Latin Lawyer

Masisa vende activos forestales a Forestal Tregualemu
07 de abril de 2020

por Eloise Hardy - LATIN LAWYER

Several firms in Chilean forestry acquisition
Eloise Hardy

Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría (Chile) has helped Forestal Tregualemu buy forested land in Chile from local wood products company Masisa for US$350 million.

Chile's Carey helped Masisa sell the assets, which included nearly 85,000 hectares of forest. The deal was signed on 20 March.

Foley Hoag in the US and local firm Eyzaguirre y Cía are also thought to have advised the buyer, but Latin Lawyer could not confirm this prior to publication.

As part of the deal, the parties also entered a long-term supply agreement in which Forestal Tregualemu will provide Masisa with forest products for its industrial operations in Chile.

Forestal Tregualemu is a subsidiary of US timberland investment company Global Forest Partners, which manages over 550,000 hectares of timberland and forest in Australia, Brazil, Cambodia, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, New Zealand, Uruguay and the US.

Counsel to Forestal Tregualemu

Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría (Chile)
Partners Juan Pablo Wilhelmy and Tomás Acosta, and associates Josefina Joannon, Mario Mozo, Giannina Bocchi, Francisca Barros and Florencia Portales in Santiago

Counsel to Masisa

Partners Francisco Ugarte, Jorge Ugarte, Lorena Pavic and Jessica Power, and associates Alejandra Daroch, Maximiliano Urrutia, Patricia Rivas, Pablo Torrealba, Alicia Corbo and José Pardo in Santiago

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