Latin Lawyer

Banco Security otorga crédito para financiar el IVA asociado al desarrollo de proyecto de energía eólica
11 de mayo de 2017

por Emilio Demetriou-Jones - LATIN LAWYER

Emilio Demetriou-Jones

Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría (Chile) has helped a wind project obtain an estimated US$140 million in financing.

Crédit Agricole Corporate & Investment Bank, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation and Norway’s DNB Bank were joint lead arrangers and took counsel from Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP in New York and Chilean firm Morales & Besa. The funds were disbursed on 29 March.

Banco Security granted a credit facility to Parque Eólico Cabo Leones in order to finance the VAT-related elements of the its development in November, and was advised by Chadbourne & Parke LLP in New York and Chilean firm Carey. The first disbursement, a total of US$4.8 million, was also released on 29 March.

Cabo Leones, a 115.5-megawatt wind energy plant, will be jointly built by EDF and Ibereólica Renovables Chile in the Atacama region of northern Chile.

Counsel to Parque Eólico Cabo Leones
Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría (Chile)
Partner Carlos Alberto Reyes, and associates Marcela Silva, Mario Fava, Daniel Barros, Sebastián Barros, Felipe Ossa and Alejandro Espejo in Santiago

Counsel to Crédit Agricole Corporate & Investment Bank, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation and Norway’s DNB Bank
Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP
Partner Roland Estevez, associates Jeff Leider and Lindsay Hall and international associate Daniel Rios in New York

Morales & Besa
Partners José Miguel Carvajal, Carlos Silva , Myriam Barahona, and Francisca Perez, and associates Sebastián Leyton, Ignacio Menchaca, Ignacio Delpino, Jaime Rosso, associates Aldo Cardinali, Paulo Quinteros, Isabel Cabezas and Sebastián Nieme in Santiago

Counsel to Banco Security
Partner Felipe Moro, counsel Mariela Riquelme, and associates Manuel José Garcés, Gonzalo Falcón and Patricia Montt in Santiago

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