Carey asesora a BTG Pactual Chile en emisión y colocación de bonos por US$40 millones
04 de septiembre de 2024

BTG Pactual Chile issues sustainability-linked debt
Isabella Ankerson
04 September 2024

The Chilean branch of BTG Pactual has called on three Loyens & Loeff in Luxembourg, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP offices and Carey in Santiago to issue sustainability-linked notes worth US$40 million in the first issuance from its medium-term bond programme.

The deal was announced on 15 August.

BTG Pactual issued the senior notes in two tranches of US$20 million. Both carry a 5.43% interest and are due to mature in 2029.

Proceeds from the issuance will fund the financing or refinancing of certain eligible green and social projects under the bank’s Green, Social and Sustainable Financing Framework. Projects include those related to renewable energy, water and wastewater management, affordable housing and transportation.

The issuance is the first to be launched under BTG Pactual Chile’s medium-term notes programme.

Headquartered in São Paulo, BTG Pactual regularly participates in Latin American transactions. In July, the bank sold four thermal power assets to Brazilian power generation giant Eneva for US$535 million. Just weeks before that, it announced its acquisition of New York’s MY Safra Bank.

Its Chilean branch also works across several debt transactions in the region’s capital markets. Most recently, it acted as underwriter of Chile’s issuance of social bonds worth US$2.15 billion.


Counsel to BTG Pactual Chile

In-house counsel – Sebastian Mongue

Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP

Partner Filipe Areno, counsel Lauren Bennett and associates Karina Cardozo de Oliveira and Vitor Horta in São Paulo; partner Danny Tricot and associate Justin Lau in London; and counsel Jay Cosel in New York


Partner Diego Peralta and associates Vesna Camelio, Victoria Alonso and Felipe Reyes in Santiago

Loyens & Loeff

Partners Jerome Jacques and Noémi Gémesi in Luxembourg

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