
Gonzalo Fernández assumes the presidency of an important arbitration body

February 1, 2023

The Spanish Arbitration Club (CEA), the most important arbitration association in the Hispanic world, renewed its Board of Directors in Chile and appointed Gonzalo Fernández, Carey's partner and member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, as president. Fernández will replace Felipe Ossa, who completed his term. The Board of Directors in Chile is now composed by 8 members and Mónica van der Schraft, a Garrigues partner, was elected vice-president.

Founded in 2005, the CEA has more than 1,000 members from 43 countries, all of them connected to the world of arbitration and who have contributed to the consolidation of a Spanish and Portuguese international arbitration community. Today, 31 international chapters have joined the CEA, including the Chilean one.

Gonzalo Fernández points out that "the idea is to promote arbitration as a dispute resolution mechanism in commercial matters and to improve the practices of the different actors in the world of international arbitration, for which the Code of Best Practices in Arbitration, prepared by the CEA in 2019, has become a key piece”.

He also indicates that "we will pursue to incorporate new partners and actively participate in the different events and activities of the CEA, to make visible our country and our arbitration community at an international level. Since the enactment of the International Commercial Arbitration Law in 2004, international commercial arbitration has been growing constantly in our country. This is largely due to the excellent role played by the institutions that manage arbitrations, such as CAM Santiago and the ICC, with whom we will seek to strengthen ties”.

In addition to Gonzalo Fernández and Mónica van der Schraft, the board of directors in Chile is composed by Florencio Bernales (Cariola), Francesco Campora and Juan Pablo Letelier (Loy Letelier), Juan Pablo Philippi (FK Economics), Gustavo Delgado and Rodrigo Riquelme. This board will last one year and in 2024 van der Schraft will assume in the presidency and Fernández in the vice-presidency for one year

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