AFC published the schedule for the implementation of new law on employment protection
April 13, 2020

On April 8th, 2020, it was published on the Official Gazette Ruling No.88 (issued by the Undersecretary of Treasury), required by law No.21,227 on employment protection (hereinafter, the "Law"), for purposes of accessing to the unemployment insurance benefits established in the Law. The Ruling indicates: (a) the zones or territories affected by the act or declaration of authority issued within the context of the estate of catastrophe and (b) the activities or establishments exempted from the interruption of the activities.

In this context and within the framework of the implementation of the Law, the Unemployment Funds Administrator (hereinafter in its acronym in Spanish, “AFC”) published on its website ( the schedule for the implementation of the procedure to access to the aforementioned benefits.

According to this schedule, as from April 8th of this year, the employers who intend to request the benefit for their employees must register their contact information by completing a form that the AFC has provided for these purposes on its website (

Between April 8th and 15th, AFC will send to the companies registered a tutorial with the general outline of the form that the employer will have to prepare to upload to the AFC website.

As from April 15th, it will be available in the AFC website the online platform to effectively apply for the benefit (in this case, the suspension of the employment contract by an act of authority). To access, the company will require its Previred password.

Within a maximum term of 4 working days as from the date in which the employer applies for the benefit, the AFC will respond to the request, including the approval of the requirements, payment dates and estimated amounts to be paid.

The first payment date of the benefit will be on April 30th of this year, for applications submitted until the 23rd of the same month. The second payment date will be May 7th, for applications submitted until April 30th.

AUTHORS: Óscar Aitken, Francisca Corti, Valentina Kuscevic.

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