Agricultural and Livestock Service (Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero) issues regulations to adapt the availability of its services regarding the Program of Exports of Origin during the Covid-19.
June 12, 2020

Considering the Covid-19 pandemic, the Agriculture and Livestock Service (Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, "SAG") issued the Exempt Resolution No. 3,439, dated May 19, 2020 -and published in the Official Gazette on June 10, 2020- (the "Resolution"), to update the Program of Exports of Origin (

In general, the Program of Exports of Origin regulates, among others matters, the following: (a) SAG’s authorities to review that the goods to be exported comply with the phytosanitary requirements of the country of destination and they are free of plagues; (b) the warehouse requirements in which the goods to be exported are deposited (e.g. requirements referred to infrastructure, personnel, etc.), which are classified in Establecimientos Adscritos (in which the SAG has assigned certain activities such as storage, inventory control, dispatch of approved goods, etc.) and Establecimientos No Adscritos (in which the SAG has not assigned activities); and (c) the procedures and operations of the SAG and such warehouses.

Considering the foregoing, the Resolution states that: (i) regarding Establecimientos No Adscritos, the SAG shall weekly carry out the phytosanitary inspection, sampling and dispatch of approved goods to be exported; and (ii) authorizes to delegate to the Professional Counterpart (Contraparte Profesional), the Technical Counterpart (Contraparte Técnica) or the Authorized Dispatcher (Despachador Autorizado) of the warehouse, the clearance of the goods approved by the SAG in relation to Establecimientos No Adscritos that process goods of Risk Category 1*, dry products and products of dry nature, and that have a low risk of quarantine plagues. The latter, subject to the fulfillment of certain requirements (i.e. having a warehouse authorized by the SAG and an Authorized Dispatcher (Despachador Autorizado), and dispatching the products within certain periods of time as of from the SAG approval, under penalty of loss of approved status in case of non-compliance.

*i.e. processed products that are not susceptible to be infested by quarantine pests, according to Exempt Resolution No. 3,589 of June 19, 2012 issued by SAG. For example, wood dust, wood sawdust, dehydrated fruits and vegetables, etc. (

AUTHORS: Tamara Feliú, Francisco León, Matías Vergara.

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