Call for Expression of Interest - Salares Altoandinos Project
June 3, 2024

With the purpose of promoting the development and exploitation of lithium reserves in Chile, the state-owned mining company, ENAMI, launched a call for submission of expressions of interest and eligibility requirements for a public-private partnership for the exploration, exploitation, and benefit of lithium deposits for the Salares Altoandinos Project.

The objective of this process is to form a public-private partnership with ENAMI for the development and operation of the project and/or to provide financing.

The terms of the call are available at Interested parties may register in the process until June 7th, while the deadline for expressing interest is July 23rd.

If you wish to participate, please email, formally requesting your registration.

It is important to consider that the official language of the process is Spanish. As a courtesy, ENAMI provides English translations of the documents.

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