Carey contributes Chilean content for the Simmons & Simmons Clean Energy Tool

January 29, 2024

Carey contributes Chilean content for the Simmons & Simmons Clean Energy Tool

Carey is proud to announce its collaboration with international law firm Simmons & Simmons to deliver Chilean content for the Clean Energy Tool.  The tool is a comprehensive, multi-jurisdictional resource for investors and developers in the clean energy sector. A wealth of legal and regulatory information is presented in a standardised format covering key areas including land acquisition, environmental approvals, revenue streams, grid connection, disputes, tax, structuring and finance. Carey has brought its long experience across all these areas to deliver the vital information investors and developers need to make informed decisions about clean energy projects in Chile.

The Clean Energy Tool includes a unique cross-jurisdictional comparison function and already covers 70 jurisdictions globally. With the legal and regulatory environment evolving as quickly as the clean energy sector itself, the tool is an invaluable resource for clients requiring comprehensive up-to-date information.  To learn more about the tool, or to request a demo/free-trial, please visit the Clean Energy Tool site.

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