Chile presents its first National Artificial Intelligence Policy
November 3, 2021

On October 27, the Ministry of Science presented what will be the first National Artificial Intelligence Policy containing the strategic guidelines to be followed by the country over the next 10 years with the aim of empowering people in the use and development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools and participating in the debate on their legal, ethical, social, and economic consequences.


The policy aims to "insert Chile in the vanguard and global collaboration related to AI, with an ecosystem of research, development and innovation in AI that creates new capabilities in the productive, academic and state sectors, and that oriented according to cross-cutting principles of opportunity and responsibility contribute to sustainable development and an improvement in the quality of life".


The policy presented by the Ministry of Science is structured around four cross-cutting principles and three interdependent axes, and is accompanied by an IA Action Plan, which specifies the initiatives included in each of the priority actions of the document, including both those responsible and deadlines for implementation within the next decade.

Cross-cutting principles

  • IA with a focus on people's well-being, respect for human rights and security.
  • IA for sustainable development.
  • Inclusive AI: emphasis on the attributes of data integrity and quality in order to recognize and deal with possible biases. It also highlights the need to develop AI in an inclusive manner, not discriminating and incorporating a perspective of gender and cultural diversity, among others.
  • Globalized and evolving AI: insertion of the country in the global context, promoting participation in bilateral and multilateral spaces, also aligning with agreements that Chile has signed (such as the OECD Principles on AI).

Policy axes

  • Enabling Factors: focuses on the development of talent, technological infrastructure and data.
  • Development and adoption: include basic and applied research, technology transfer, innovation, entrepreneurship, improvement of public services, technology-based economic development, among others.
  • Ethics, regulatory aspects, and socioeconomic effects: this includes discussions around human-machine interaction and some of the relevant regulatory aspects, for example, the relationship of AI to consumer protection, privacy, etc. It also includes issues of explainability/transparency, gender and impact on the labor market.

To review the full document (in Spanish), click here.

AUTHORS: Guillermo Carey, José Ignacio Mercado.

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