Chilean State-owned Railways Company (EFE) prepares new tender for train terminal to boost San Antonio port’s cargo system
April 19, 2021

The tender for the first intermodal terminal, which will integrate transportation between trains and the San Antonio port in Chile, is expected to be launched by mid-2021. The project will require an estimated USD 12 million investment and will include additional works which will increase the transport capacity along the branch line including the incorporation of 600-meter trains, which are double the size of the units that currently travel this route.

The trains on this route currently handle only 3% of San Antonio’s cargo, and according to EFE's analysis, the Port of San Antonio has had sustained growth, transporting 40% more freight in the last five years. It is projected that the demand for containers could exceed the port capacity of the Valparaíso Region towards the end of the next decade and, therefore, rail transport has a great opportunity to increase its share. EFE seeks to double their freight transport from 10 million to 20 million tons with a strategic plan to invest USD 1.8 billion to strengthen this segment.

For more information, go to the EFE website here.

AUTHORS: Óscar Aitken, Juan Pablo Stitchkin.

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