CNE initiates regulatory process for the modification of the Technical Rule for Safety and Quality of Service
January 9, 2024

On January 4, 2024, the National Energy Commission ("CNE") announced the initiation of the regulatory procedure for the modification of the Technical Rule for Safety and Quality of Service (Norma Técnica de Seguridad y Calidad del Servicio) (the "Regulatory Procedure"), according to the provisions set forth in Exempt Resolution No. 654, dated December 29, 2023, issued by the CNE. The main purpose of the Exempt Resolution is to update and/or incorporate security and quality requirements for the electricity supply in a scenario of energy transition of the National Electric System characterized by an important addition of renewable energies in the national decarbonization process and the introduction of new technologies for the temporary management of energy. Moreover, the referred modification pretends to adjust and reduce the redundancies between the main body and the annexes of the Technical Rule for Safety and Quality of Service; identify and solve issues that have arisen due to the current standard of the Technical Rule for Safety and Quality of Service; and review the value and extent of the amendment proposal made by the Association of Electrical Companies (Asociación de Empresas Eléctricas A.G.) regarding article 5-5 of the Technical Rule for Safety and Quality of Service.

In this context, CNE called to the interested representatives of companies of the electricity sector, institutions and technical experts, to express their intention in being part of the Special Advisory Committee (the "Committee") no later than February 29, 2024. That application shall be done through the digital platform named "Manifestación de Interés para Comités Consultivos Especiales" available on the websites and

Professionals interested in participating in the Committee, shall have a technical knowledge in modeling and analysis of the operation of electrical systems or development of engineering projects where the Technical Rule for Safety and Quality of Service has been applied; in analysis of information systems, communication and monitoring of the electrical system or have been involved in regulatory procedures related to the Technical Rule for Safety and Quality of Service. Those interested in participating as technical experts, will also be required to have a professional title of civil electrical engineer or civil industrial engineer with a specialization in electrical engineering or other related specialization.

According to the Regulatory Procedure, and in accordance with the provisions of Decree 11, dated January 31, 2017, which approves the Regulation for the Issuance of Technical Rules for Safety, Coordination, Quality, Information and Economic Operation of the Electricity Industry (the "Regulation"), the expected date for the CNE to appoint the members of the Committee through exempt resolution is during April 2024, and the number of members will be defined according to the complexity, extension and the scope of the modification. Afterwards, the first meeting of the Committee is expected to be held during May 2024, and the drafting of the new Technical Rule for Safety and Quality of Service, analysis and participation of the appointed members of the Committee shall be from July 2024 until September 2025. Thus, after a public consultation process and analysis of comments therefrom, the updated Technical Rule is expected to be published in the Official Gazette during May 2026.

The appointed members of the Committee will have to analyze, discuss and express their opinion to the CNE regarding the modification of the Technical Rule for Safety and Quality of Service, and will be part of the Committee during the Regulatory Procedure, unless there is any cause of inability provided in the Regulation, resignation or termination of their duties in the company or institution that the relevant member represents, or they have three absences from the Committee's meetings. In case of vacancy due to resignation or termination of duties of any member, CNE may appoint a replacement member, taking into consideration the manifestation of interest received within the period provided in the Regulatory Procedure.

Those who may want to be part of the Committee shall apply through the digital platform mentioned above and submit the following information:

  • Name of the applicant, either as a technical expert or as a representative of a company of the electric industry (in the latter case, the name of the entity represented shall be also included);
  • Email address (for purposes of notifications and communications that may be required under the Regulatory Procedure);
  • Information evidencing the fulfillment of the requirements or specific profiles established in the Regulatory Procedure for the members that participate as technical experts or as representatives of companies of the electric industry;
  • Special power of attorney granted by the legal representative of the company that the interested party represents, if applicable; and
  • For those applying as technical experts, a declaration of interest will be required, which shall identify the applicant work, economic or trade union activities in which the interested party participates, whether remunerated or not, including those activities carried out during the last twelve months.

Applicants interested in participating in the Committee as representatives of the Superintendency of Electricity and Fuels, the National Electric Coordinator, any Ministry, service or public agency with power related to the Regulatory Procedure, shall comply only with the provisions set forth in letters a. and b. above.

AUTHORS: Juan Francisco Mackenna, Pablo Morales, Sara Ovalle.

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