Government of Chile launches bidding rules for the Punilla Reservoir tender
April 8, 2015

The bidding rules for the “Punilla Reservoir Concession” international tender were made available to the public on April 6th, 2015.

Such bidding rules can be purchased at the Ministry of Public Works’ offices, and may be reviewed at:

see PDF

The project consists in the construction, maintenance and exploitation of a multipurpose dam that will improve and ensure irrigation in the valley of the Ñuble river, including the boroughs of San Carlos, Chillán, Ñiquén, San Nicolás, Coihueco and San Fabián, all in the Bíobío region.

Projected works include the construction of a CFRD-type dam (Concrete Face Rockfill Dam), considering a wall of approximately 137 meters of height and a total water storage volume of 625 million cubic meters. Complementary works of the project include the improvement of road N-31, the construction of new perimetral roads around the reservoir and hydro power generation services.

The official estimated budget ascends to UF 9,410,000 (US$ 379,500,000 as of April 7th, 2015).

Prequalification: Individuals and legal entities will be authorized to participate in the tender as long as they have previously applied for inclusion in the International Registry of Prequalification. Such application must be submitted before April 30th, 2015, that is, 60 days before the date set for the Bid Reception Act.

Reception of Bids: Bids will be received for the Opening Commission on June 30, 2015, at 12:00. The opening of financial bids will be performed on July 28th, 2015.

AUTHORS: Óscar Aitken, Alberto Cardemil, Juan Pablo Stitchkin.

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