
IBA celebrates Women's Day with simultaneous events around the world

March 13, 2023

Carey celebrated Women's Day on March 8 with the presence of more than 30 members and associates of Chilean legal firms in a face-to-face event, to talk in a panel about "How much progress has been made in gender equality in the legal world and how much remains to improve:
Achievements and challenges”. The event was held within the framework of a global celebration organized by the International Bar Association (IBA), the first "IBA Women's Day".

The conversation panel was moderated by Carey's partner and local representative of the IBA for this effect, Patricia Silberman, and featured prominent panelists from the legal world such as Isabel Aninat, dean of the UAI Law School; Dafne González, operational legal affairs manager
at Falabella and director of companies; and Lorena Pavic, Carey's partner, and member of its Executive Committee.

At the end of the event, all attendees listened via Zoom to the words of the IBA president, Almudena Arpón de Mendívil Aldama, who spoke about how to guide the new generations of women in their professional careers, sharing her experiences and challenges to reach and maintain high-level positions, closing with the greetings of more than 30 members of IBA law firms, in various jurisdictions around the world, who also connected to the event simultaneously

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