International Public Bid Process of the “Concesión Embalse Las Palmas” Project
August 11, 2017

On Friday July 28, 2017, the Chilean State, through the Ministry of Public Works, published a call for tenders for the International Public Bid Process of the “Concesión Embalse Las Palmas” Project, which includes the construction, maintenance and exploitation of a reservoir to ensure irrigation to the mid and low level areas of the Petorca river valley.

The Las Palmas Reservoir, located in the Las Palmas estuary, 17 kilometers west from the village of Petorca, will have a capacity of 55 million cubic meters, flooding a total surface of 252 hectares.

The official estimated budget of the works is UF 3,880,000 (approx. USD 158 million).


Individuals or legal entities, national or foreign, may participate in the tender process, either individually or in a consortium, provided they meet the requirements of the Chilean Concessions Law, the Regulations of the Concessions Law and the Bidding Rules.

Reception and opening of the offers

Bids will be received in a public act on November 30, 2017 at 12:00 noon. The opening of the commercial offers will take place on December 20, 2017.

AUTHORS: Juan Pablo Stitchkin, Javiera Avilés.

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