Life Sciences Alert
January 27, 2020

On January 22, 2020, Resolution No. 1,200/2020 of the Ministry of Health was published in the Official Gazette, by means of which the maximum term for the submission of Applications for Incorporation of High Cost Diagnostics and Treatments in the financial protection system of Law No. 20,850 has been set in 30 calendar days from such date.

In this regard, the time limit set by the health authority for any individual to file the application, whether personally and/or representing an entity, expires on February 21, 2020.

The application can be submitted on-line at the Ministry of Health’s website:

According to the current regulation, the Ministry of Health should publish the relevant application form for this period within the next days, as it was done for the previous period, which, as reference, is available at the following link:

AUTHORS: Ignacio Gillmore, José Santos Ossa.

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