Maximum price regarding hospitalization for Covid-19 is determined
April 21, 2020

On April 15th, Exempt Resolution No. 258, that determines certain maximum prices in accordance with the abilities granted to the Ministry of Health by Decree No. 4/2020, was published in the Official Gazette.

According to said resolution, the authority has established:

(i) the maximum Price that the Fondo Nacional de Salud – Fonasa will pay in case a patient of the public system is transferred to the private health system through the centralized bed management unit (Unidad de Gestión Centralizada de Camas -UGCC)

For this group, hospitalization prices may not exceed the IR-GRD base prices set forth in section of the Bases Administrativas of public tender ID 591-24-LR18 of Fonasa, approved by resolution No. 46/2018 of Fonasa, i.e:

(ii) the maximum payment price for individuals who are not part of the public health system (those who have private health insurance –Isapres- or are beneficiaries of health systems of the armed forces or the police).

For this group, prices shall not exceed the amount resulting from applying the IR-GRD groups in accordance with the degree of complexity and based on the following values:

AUTHORS: Cristina Busquets, Ignacio Gillmore.

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