Ministry of Health submits proposed labeling for products containing sweeteners to Public Consultation
July 5, 2024

The Ministry of Health (MINSAL) has published for consultation a proposal for modification to the Sanitary Food Regulation contained in Supreme Decree No. 977 of 1996. This modification consists of the introduction of a new Article 120 ter, which establishes the obligation to incorporate a label with the statement "Contains sweeteners. Avoid consumption by children" on the front face of the packaging of products that contain any of the sweeteners listed in Article 146 of said regulation.

The warning must be visible and easy to read, and its size must be proportional to the area of the front face of the product's label.

Comments to the proposed regulation must be submitted to the Ministry of Health through the form available on its website. The deadline for submitting comments is Sunday, August 25, 2024.

AUTHORS: Ignacio Gillmore, Cristina Busquets, Alejandra Del Rio.

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