Ministry of Public Health provides exceptions to territorial quarantines for essential workers
June 23, 2020

Resolution No. 477 of the Ministry of Health was published in the Official Gazette on June 20. This Resolution provides that the individuals that are in the circumstances indicated in the Instructions for Movement -set forth in the Ordinary No. 15,346, of June 19, 2020, of the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security- are exempted from the obligation to remain in isolation or quarantine due to living in a certain commune or city. This instructions will be enforceable as of 05.00 on June 22, 2020 and will be published in the following link:

The aforementioned provision complements the new article 318 ter of the Criminal Code, also in force since June 20, regarding the workers that are considered to be in quarantine or under compulsory sanitary isolation decreed by the health authority. In this sense, all workers who qualify within the fields that the Instructions have deemed as essential will be exempted from quarantine or sanitary isolation, when the reason for such measure is their place of residence.


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