Modifications to instructions for the obtention of permits for movement
March 17, 2021

A new version of the Instructions for the obtention of permits for movement within zones under quarantines or restrictive measures is in force as of March 15. The most relevant amendments to the former version are the following:

  • Regarding the “Temporary Individual Permit for travelling to polling stations”, a new “permit for voting in the national, regional or local elections” is created. In addition, it is provided that the citizens who participate in the organization of the electoral process may circulate in the performance of their functions between April 8 and April 12 carrying a copy of the document stating their designation as Local Delegates, Advisors, Liaison Personnel, Technical Assistants, Facilitators, Presiding Officers or members of the scrutinizing panels.
  • Regarding the “Special Temporary Individual Permit for Vaccination”, the age limitation for its granting is eliminated.
  • Regarding the “Temporary Individual Permit for candidates”, it now allows to pass through sanitary cords and the interregional movement of candidates when travelling to the Electoral Service (“SERVEL”) or the national headquarters of the party for the purposes of the electoral campaign.
  • A new "Permit for the selection process of the contingent for the Military Service" is added.
  • Regarding the Single Collective Permit, it establishes that it will be the responsibility of the applicant (employer) to declare, in the list of employees, when requesting the Single Collective Permit, the function performed and the essential character of the worker. An essential worker is defined as someone who is essential and whose function is critical for the performance of the activity of the institution's business and who, in addition, cannot fulfill their functions from home, having to attend the workplace in person and / or circulate in the exercise of their functions. The essentiality and impossibility of teleworking must be established in an affidavit issued by the employer, who will be subject, in case of infringement, to the sanctions established by Law No. 21.240 or other regulations and must evidence the grounds that justify the essentiality of the employee, in the case of being audited.
  • A "Collective Travel Permit for farmers” is added, who may travel if they have a certificate issued by INDAP, certifying that they are users of said institution, or by the Seremi of Agriculture, certifying that they are farmers.
  • Finally, “Single Collective Education Permit” is granted, so that professors, teachers, directors, administrative and support personnel for teaching and research may circulate. This permit is also valid for doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers.

AUTHOR: Ignacio Gillmore.

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