Multiclass applications
September 6, 2012

We are pleased to inform you that on September 3, 2012, the Chilean National Institute of Intellectual Property (INAPI) made available a multiclass form for its users, which will allow them to submit applications of goods and services through one form. This is part of the amendments to the Chilean Industrial Property Law, as a consequence of the signature of the Trademark Law Treaty from World Intellectual Property Organization by Chile.

Likewise, this change considers the possibility of dividing an application in the event of any observation issued by INAPI or an opposition filed, allowing a more expedite grant of the trademark in those classes that were not objected. The new application will keep the filing date and its priority, if applicable.

HarneckerCarey was the first firm in Chile that filed a multiclass application, through the Electronic Service Platform of the INAPI

AUTHORS: Guillermo Carey, Francisco Carey.

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