New measures taken by the Chilean authority against the pandemic
May 15, 2020

Update of sanitary measures published this week in the Official Gazette

On Wednesday, May 13, Resolution No. 341 of the Ministry of Health was published, which provides for a series of sanitary measures, among which the following stand out, since they modify measures that have been implemented to date:

  • Any concentration of more than 50 people in a certain place, regardless of its nature, or whether it takes place in open or closed spaces, is forbidden.
  • Elective surgeries whose delay does not pose a serious risk to the patient's health shall be postponed, with certain exceptions.

    The authority had recently revoked this measure, but given the increase in demand for beds, it was re-implemented.

  • The prohibition to hold sporting, professional and amateur events is revoked, including the prohibition to carry out any sporting activity in closed spaces intended for such practices, which are usually open to public.

    This Resolution was complemented by Resolution No. 349, published on May 15, which forbids the operation of cinemas, theaters, pubs, discos and similar places. In addition, it prohibits restaurants, cafes and the like to receive customers in their facilities.

On the other hand, Resolution No. 347, published on May 14 in the Official Gazette, which provides that since May 15 at 10:00 p.m., all the communes of the Province of Santiago, in addition to the communes of Lampa, Buin, Padre Hurtado, San Bernardo, Colina and Puente Alto shall enter into quarantine.

Outside the Metropolitan Region, the commune of Iquique and the commune of Alto Hospicio enter into quarantine on the same date.

Additionally, new sanitary cords and customs were added to the existing ones and the isolation or quarantine of all those over 75 years of age was established.

Modification to the decree that declares the state of constitutional emergency of catastrophe.

On May 14, Decree No. 203 of 2020 was also published in the Official Gazette, modifying Decree No. 104 of 2020 -which declared the state of catastrophe- in the sense of empowering the Heads of Defense to directly issue instructions to all public officials, whether from the State, its companies or municipalities, without depending on instructions from the President of the Republic for these purposes.

Update of the instructions for obtaining commute/individual permits in zones under quarantine.

Today, Friday, May 15, a new version of the instructions for obtaining commute/individual permits was published, applying to all areas declared in quarantine.

The main modifications include:

  • The limitation of individual permits to five weekly, per Taxpayer Id -since May 18- and to two weekly permits for purchases in pharmacies and supermarkets.
  • The elimination of permits for moving, for returning to habitual residence and for the transfer of children within the right of visit of separated parents.
  • The inclusion of permits for caregivers of children of healthcare professionals and for the transfer of these children to the corresponding nurseries. A permit for elderly caregivers was included, as well.

AUTHORS: Ignacio Gillmore, José Ignacio Mercado, Cristina Busquets, Camilo Lledó.

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