New Public Tenders of the Ministry of National Assets, for the development of renewable energies
July 21, 2021

With the purpose of promoting the development of clean energies, the Government is preparing new public tenders of State-owned land, to award lots in 20 different properties (see summary table at the end). This offering is significant because more than 40% of the installed capacity in renewable energy generation is on State-owned land. Currently, there are 200 executed contracts for about 80,000 hectares of land for this type of project. For more information about current or opened tenders click here, and for future tenders, click here. “Reserva Eólica Taltal” is the public tender with the largest number of lots, and the following provides more information on this process. On December 28, 2020, the Ministry of National Assets (Ministry) approved the definitive Tender Rules for this process (the "Rules"), by means of the Exempt Resolution No. 509. On June 14, 2021, by means of the Exempt Resolution No. 312 the Rules were modified concerning the Evaluation Factors and Weighting of the Offers as well as the Tender Schedule. To review the final text of the Rules (in Spanish), click here. The Tender Schedule (the "Schedule") establishes a Q&A period which ended on July 14, 2021, and August 6, 2021, as the last date for introducing rectifications, amendments or additions to the Rules, the same day on which the Ministry shall respond in writing to the questions formulated during the Q&A period. Although the Rules are definitive, they may still be subject to change due to the abovementioned. As of this date, the Rules contain the following information that we expect will be useful to you:
  • 13 State-owned lands to be tendered (25,000 hectares approximately) in the Antofagasta Region, Taltal county, being able to participate for one or more lots, satisfying the criteria established in the Rules.
  • The Concessionaire must develop in the State-owned land a Wind Energy Project that may be supplemented with another renewable energy project and/or energy storage project. The project must comply with a ratio power/surface of 1 MW per each 12 hectares of tendered State-owned land.
  • The submission of the offers will take place from September 8 to September 10, 2021, at 2:00pm, and the public Award Ceremony will take place on October 20, 2021.
  • The Land Concession Contract will have validity of 40 years as of its execution date.
As always, we remain at your full disposal if any further doubt or comment arises in connection to this matter.
No. Status Name Region Province and Country Surface (ha.) Lots Submission of Offers / Estimated Call Date
1 Open Tender Pampa Dos Cruces, Lote A Arica y Parinacota Arica 50 1 28-07-2021
2 Open Tender Quebrada Las Llosyas Arica y Parinacota Arica 21.47 1 28-07-2021
3 Open Tender Loa Oeste Antofagasta Tocopilla, María Elena 27.7 1 13-08-2021
4 Open Tender Loa Este Antofagasta Tocopilla, María Elena 39.89 1 13-08-2021
5 Open Tender Estación Prat Poniente Antofagasta Antofagasta 30.12 1 13-08-2021
6 Open Tender Manto de la Luna Antofagasta Tocopilla 30.56 1 13-08-2021
7 Open Tender Bellavista Lagunas 1 Tarapacá Tamarugal, Pozo Almonte 25 1 25-08-2021
8 Open Tender Bellavista Lagunas 2 Tarapacá Tamarugal, Pozo Almonte 25 1 25-08-2021
9 Open Tender Zapiga Norte Tarapacá Tamarugal, Pozo Almonte 28.83 1 25-08-2021
10 Open Tender Ex Oficina San Enrique Tarapacá Tamarugal, Pozo Almonte 140.83 4 25-08-2021
11 Open Tender Bellavista Lagunas 3 Tarapacá Tamarugal, Pozo Almonte 27.97 1 25-08-2021
12 Open Tender Antofagasta Antofagasta Antofagasta, Taltal 23,281.6 13 10-09-2021
13 Open Tender Aguas Blancas Antofagasta Antofagasta 73.1 1 22-09-2021
14 Future Tender Cerro Chuño Arica y Parinacota Arica 68 3 Q42021
15 Future  Tender Estación Casa de Piedra Antofagasta Antofagasta 120 1 Q32021
16 Future Tender Sector Laberinto Antofagasta Antofagasta, Sierra Gorda 2,180.68 1 Q32021
17 Future Tender Sector Ruta B 475 Antofagasta Antofagasta 1,151 1 Q22021
18 Future Tender Quillagua Antofagasta Tocopilla, María Elena 4,989 2 Q42021
19 Future Tender Pampa Moctezuma Antofagasta El Loa, Calama 188.8 1 Q32021
20 Future Tender Estación Prat Antofagasta Antofagasta 49 1 Q22021

AUTHORS: Juan Francisco Mackenna, José Miguel Bustamante.

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