New regulations related to Covid-19 come into force in Chile
October 5, 2021

Due to the non-renewal of the constitutional state of exception of catastrophe, the health authority modified the Covid-19 regulations. The main changes are mentioned below:


On October 1st 2021, Exempt Resolution No. 994 was published in the Official Gazette, which regulates and establishes a new version of the “Step-by-Step Plan”.

The main changes of this new version are as follows:

  • Five stages are established (Steps) :
    • First step: Restriction
    • Second step: Transition
    • Third step: Preparation
    • Fourth step: Initial Opening
    • Fifth step: Advanced Opening
  • None of the steps contains mobility restrictions (territorial quarantines).
  • Maximum capacities are established depending on the Step of the respective locality and the type of activity.
  • The operation of restaurants, cafes, and similar facilities, as well as gymnasiums and similar establishments; cinemas, theaters and similar establishments, as well as premises with attention to the public in general, is permitted from Step 1 - Restriction.
  • Mobility Pass will still grant greater freedoms and capacity distinctions in private meetings and public spaces.
  • The obligation to carry a Sanitary Passport (which can be obtained at is limited to interregional transfers by public transportation such as buses, minibuses, trains and airplanes, but is not required for transfers by private transportation. This passport must be required by the transportation service provider as a condition for boarding.
  • It is established that, those who have been in close contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19 must comply with a quarantine for: (i) 7 days, if the person has a complete vaccination schedule -and 14 days have passed-; or (ii) 10 days, if the person has an incomplete vaccination schedule, 14 days have not passed since the complete vaccination, or does not have any vaccination against COVID-19, from the date of the last contact.


Pursuant to the Ministry of Health’s announcement regarding new modifications to the "Protected Borders" plan, we may inform that as of October 1, the borders will be opened for non-resident foreigners (tourists) who have a "Mobility Pass" enabled to enter the country. This pass can be obtained after validating their vaccinations through the website This procedure can be carried out as of September 16th and can take up to 1 month.

Notwithstanding the above, the entry and exit restrictions for those without an enabled mobility pass are maintained.

The above can be updated in view of the evolution experienced by the Covid-19 outbreak in national territory.

The new sanitary measures are as follows:

Chile Entry restrictions

  • Temporary closure of borders for non-resident foreigners (tourists) without an enabled mobility pass, until October 31, 2021. Only residents and Chilean foreigners may enter Chile through any authorized border crossing.
  • The entry of non-resident foreigners with a mobility pass may only be through the airports of Iquique, Antofagasta and Santiago. This measure does not include foreign minors, who do not have an enabled mobility pass.
  • Prior entry to the country, travelers must complete a sworn health affidavit, have a negative PCR test and travel medical insurance (required for non-resident foreigners). In addition, they will be subject to a PCR test, at the destination airport.
  • A mandatory 5 day quarantine period (with an enabled mobility pass) or 7 days (without an enabled mobility pass) must be completed, without the possibility of exemption. Likewise, the Ministry of Health's travel tracking plan must be complied with during 14 days.
  • Transit hotels are no longer required in order to perform the 5 or 7 day quarantine period, as indicated above.
  • Those entering the country must travel in private transport and directly to the declared address, from the port of entry, without the possibility of an overnight stay or interaction with others.
  • Neither the traveler nor those cohabiting with him/her may leave the address declared during the quarantine period.
  • During the entire quarantine period, the mobility pass will be blocked and travelers shall be supervised by personnel of the Home Control Program. Those who fail to comply with these regulations, risk health summaries and permanent blocking of their mobility pass.

Chile Exit Restrictions

  • Only Chilean nationals and regular foreign residents in the national territory having a valid "Mobility Pass" will be allowed to exit the country through any authorized boarder. This authorization does not include minors without a mobility pass, even though they travel with their parents.
  • Nonresident foreigners will only be allowed exit the country through the airports in Iquique, Antofagasta and Santiago, with no additional restrictions.
  • Chilean nationals and foreign residents who do not have a valid “Mobility Pass” must request, by means of a form through the Virtual Police platform, an extraordinary authorization for the travel of persons abroad, for urgent and qualified reasons, without prejudice to the health measures provided in the country of destination, in the following cases:
    • (a) for humanitarian reasons;
    • (b) essential to the applicant's health;
    • (c) for essential purposes  for the proper progress of the country; and
    • (d) to reside abroad.

Exemptions to the temporary boarder closure:

The following cases shall be exempt from the temporary boarder closure:

  • Cargo to and from national territory;
  • Associated personnel who are strictly necessary for the purposes set forth in letter a) above, as well as the relief personnel of such crew;
  • Persons entering national territory for the purpose of continuing in transit to a foreign country;
  • The foreign companion of persons with disabilities, with reduced mobility, organically decompensated, agonizing or unconscious;
  • Foreign crew members of ships and aircraft entering national territory;
  • Children or adolescents of Chilean father or mother or foreigners residing on a regular basis in national territory, born abroad, who enter as tourists. This condition must be established before the border authority, by means of the corresponding birth certificate duly apostilled or legalized;
  • Personnel sent to Chile by other States or international agencies to provide humanitarian aid or international cooperation duly accepted by Chile;
  • Those who have diplomatic and official visas issued by the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • Foreigners who have a marriage bond or a Civil Union Agreement with a Chilean or foreigner regularly residing in national territory, celebrated in Chile, entering as tourists.  This condition must be certified before the corresponding boarder authority by means of the corresponding certificate issued by the Chilean Civil Registrar’s;
  • Foreigners who have a marriage bond or a Civil Union Agreement with a Chilean or foreigner regularly residing in national territory, celebrated abroad, entering as tourists. For these purposes, they must carry a safe conduct under the provisions of Article 66 of the Consular Regulations, previously presenting the corresponding marriage certificate or civil union agreement to the respective consulate;
  • Foreigners who, for reasons which may not be postponed, must enter the country for business management purposes, in accordance with the provisions of the first paragraph of article 44 of Decree-Law No. 1,094, paying special attention to the convenience or usefulness of the country. For these purposes, they must carry a safe conduct under the provisions of Article 66 of Consular Regulations;
  • Persons holding a safe conduct granted under the provisions of Article 66 of the Consular Regulations; and
  • Holders of diplomatic or official passports or international officials, who have authorization from the Protocol Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


The details of the new Step-by-Step Plan can be reviewed here.

Close contact is defined as a person who has been in contact with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19, between 2 days before symptom onset and 10 days after symptom onset. In case of a person without symptoms, the contact must have occurred between 2 days before the PCR or antigen test for SARS-CoV-2 and 10 days after the sample was taken.

In both scenarios, in order to qualify as close contact, one of the following circumstances must also be met:

  • Having maintained more than 15 minutes of face-to-face contact or physical contact, at less than one meter, without the correct use of a mask.
  • Having shared an enclosed space for 2 hours or more, in places such as offices, workplaces, meetings, schools, among others, without the correct use of a mask.
  • Cohabiting or staying overnight in the same household or similar places, such as hostels, internships, closed institution, Long-Stay Facilities for the Elderly (ELEAM), hotels, residences, collective housing and work premises, among others.
  • Having traveled in any enclosed transportation means at a proximity of less than one meter with another occupant who is infected, without the proper use of a mask.
  • Having provided direct care to a probable or confirmed COVID-19 case, by a health care worker, without a surgical type of mask and eye protection. If a higher-risk aerosol-generating procedure is performed without an N95 respirator or equivalent or goggles.

AUTHORS: Óscar Aitken, Ignacio Gillmore, Francisca Corti, Francisco Arce, José Ignacio Mercado, Cristina Busquets.

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