Protected Frontiers Plan enters into force today
July 26, 2021

As of today, July 26 the Chilean borders will open so that all those who have a “Mobility Pass” can exit the country, although current restrictions for non-resident foreigners have been maintained. The is subject to modification in view of the development of the Covid-19 outbreak in the national territory. The following sanitary measures have been informed:

Entry Restrictions to Chile

  • Temporary closure of boarders for non-resident foreigners (tourists) until August 31st, 2021 (which may be extended).  Only foreign residents and Chileans may enter the country.
  • Prior to entry to the country, travelers must complete a health affidavit, must have a negative PCR test and a traveler’s medical insurance (required for non-resident foreigners).
  • All travelers must do a mandatory quarantine of 10 days, without exception. Likewise, they must comply with the Ministry of Health’s 14-day traveler’s tracking plan.
  • Upon entry to Chile, those who have a valid Mobility Pass may carry out the 10-day quarantine at home. In the case of families traveling with minors, the whole family group must complete the quarantine in a single domicile and must also meet the following requirements:
    • All cohabitants who are in the domicile declared to perform the isolation, must also comply with the 10-day quarantine, that is, no one can enter or leave the domicile during that period.
    • They must arrive at the address declared by private transportation within a maximum of 5 hours and directly upon entry to the country. Public transportation including trains, buses and airplanes may not be used. Transfer by minor public transportation (taxis) or the use of private transfer companies working at the airport is allowed, under strict sanitary protocols. In this case, travelers may only share a vehicle with the same group with which he/she traveled.
    • Information regarding the place of isolation and cohabitants of said domicile must be entered in the Affidavit of the Traveler prior to the entry into the country, available in
  • Those who have left the national territory to perform essential functions for the progress of the country, in accordance with the provisions of letter c) No. 2 and following, and who have a complete vaccination schedule against SARS-Cov-2 may, upon their return to Chile, comply with their quarantine at home. Likewise, they may end the quarantine presenting a negative result of an RT-PCR test for SARS-CoV-2, which sampling has been carried out on the seventh day of quarantine.
  • The “Mobility Pass” is only available for those vaccinated in Chile, therefore those vaccinated abroad may not opt for isolation at home, but must mandatorily do it in a transit hotel, according to the following requirements:
    • The first five days of quarantine must be carried out at a transit hotel, where travelers will need to take a PCR test.
    • The next five days of quarantine may be continued at home, except when the PCR test comes back positive.
    • If the PCR test result is positive, travelers will be transferred to a sanitary residence to complete an 11-day quarantine (missing days).
    • The costs of the PCR test and hotel stay must be covered by travelers before they arrive to the country.

Chile Exit Restrictions

  • Only Chilean nationals and foreign residents who are regular residents in the national territory and who have a valid "Mobility Pass" will be allowed to exit the country. This authorization does not include minors without a mobility pass, even though they travel with their parents.
  • Exit will only be allowed through the Airport Arturo Merino Benítez.
  • Chilean nationals and foreign residents who do not have a valid “Mobility Pass” must request, by means of a form through the Virtual Police platform, an extraordinary authorization for the travel of persons abroad, for urgent and qualified reasons, without prejudice to the health measures provided in the country of destination, in the following cases:
    • for humanitarian reasons;
    • essential to the applicant's health;
    • for essential purposes for the proper progress of the country; and
    • to reside abroad.
  • Non-resident foreigners (tourists) will be able to exit Chile freely, without any restrictions.
Exemptions shall apply in the following cases:
  • Cargo to and from national territory;
  • Associated personnel who are strictly necessary for the purposes set forth in letter a) above, as well as the relief personnel of such crew;
  • Persons entering national territory for the purpose of continuing in transit to a foreign country;
  • The foreign companions of persons with disabilities, with reduced mobility, organically decompensated, agonizing or unconscious;
  • Foreign crew members of ships and aircraft entering national territory;
  • Children or adolescents of Chilean father or mother or foreigners residing on a regular basis in national territory, born abroad, who enter as tourists. This condition must be established before the border authority, by means of the corresponding birth certificate duly apostilled or legalized;
  • Personnel sent to Chile by other States or international agencies to provide humanitarian aid or international cooperation duly accepted by Chile;
  • Those who have diplomatic and official visas issued by the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • Foreigners either married or having a Civil Union Agreement with a Chilean or regular foreign resident in Chile, celebrated in Chile, entering as tourists. This condition must be established before the boarder authority, by means of the corresponding certificate issued by the Chilean Civil Registrars;
  • Foreigners that due to imperative reasons must enter the country for business purposes, according to the first paragraph of article 44 of decree law N°1,094, particularly in cases where it is convenient or advantageous to the country.  For said purpose, they must carry a safe conduct, pursuant to article 66° of Consular Regulations;
  • Holders of a safe conduct issued according to article 66° of Consular Regulations;
  • Holders of diplomatic or official Passports or international officials, with the authorization of the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

AUTHORS: Óscar Aitken, Francisca Corti, Francisco Arce.

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