Publication of new regulation on online control of environmental parameters of aquaculture concession groups
January 12, 2021

On January 5, 2021, Supreme Decree No. 1/2020 of the Ministry of Economy was published in the Official Gazette, approving a new regulation on online control of environmental parameters of aquaculture concession groups.


Set forth the requirements and conditions of the monitoring system or online control of the environmental parameters of the concession groups.

Obligated subjects

The holders of concessions that are part of concession groups.

Composition of the online monitoring or control system

  1. Monitoring station: It is a system that allows the online measurement of oceanographic and meteorological variables, through sensors capable of collecting the variables of interest, as well as the transmission of data to the base station.
  2. Base station: It is the technical equipment with which the transmissions from the monitoring station will be received and transmitted to the data platform.
  3. Data platform: It is the set of data servers or computers that will allow the storage, processing and analysis of the data coming from the monitoring stations. It also includes the ad-hoc equipment and software that allows the publication, through the web, of the data and/or results obtained.

Main obligations for the aquaculture concession holder

  1. Install the monitoring station or stations necessary to measure oceanographic and meteorological variables permanently and continuously.
  2. Install the online data transmission system in the monitoring station and verify that it is transmitting continuously and permanently to the base station.
  3. Install the base station and verify that it is receiving and transmitting continuously and permanently from the monitoring station and to the data platform.
  4. Require the respective authorizations to the Maritime Authority to anchor the monitoring stations.
  5. Obtain and keep in place the installation and maintenance certifications of the monitoring stations and the base station.

Terms for compliance

The obligations must be implemented by the concession holders or groups of concession holders that initiate their productive processes after 18 months as of the publication of Supreme Decree No. 1/2020 in the Official Gazette.

AUTHORS: Rafael Vergara, Manuel José Barros, Julio Recordon.

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