Q&A procedures before the Public Health Institute (ISP)
March 27, 2020

May I file for sanitary registrations?

Requests for sanitary registrations for pharmaceutical products, cosmetics and others regulated, as well as for their modifications, may be filed for through the GICONA portal, and official tariffs shall be paid only through electronic transfer of funds.

How may I file manual [sic] procedures for the modification of sanitary registrations?

The ISP has set up the e-mail address ispprestaciones@ispch.cl for manual procedure requests. The foregoing e-mail shall include:

1. Code and name of the service requested in the REF.
2. Applicable form or cover letter.
3. Background information or attached schedules required in the service.
4. Copy of the electronic transfer of funds in the amount of the tariff published in the website.
5. In the event of requiring an invoice, please include the Chilean Taxpayer Number [RUT].

Will the OIRS Platform continue to work?

The OIRS Platform will continue to work for information, complaints and suggestions.

How may I inform the ISP about sanitary charges notices?

Send an e-mail to autorizacionestablecimientos@ispch.cl

How may I stamp pharmacy books, sending of prescriptions and list of sales of controlled drugs?

The ISP has suspended the stamping of pharmacy books, and it is not receiving, either, prescriptions or lists of sales of controlled drugs.

How am I to pay the official tariffs after filing the procedure with the ISP through the GICONA portal?

The ISP has informed that e-transfers of funds must be made to:

Instituto de Salud Pública de Chile
Chilean Taxpayer ID No. 61.605.000-1
Banco Estado Current Account No. 9507256
E-mail address: ispprestaciones@ispch.cl

AUTHORS: José Ignacio Mercado, Cristina Busquets, Alejandra Del Rio, Javiera Péndola.

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