Reduction in publication fees for Trademark and Patent applications
December 13, 2013

The CLPTO, along with the Chilean Ministry of Interior and Public Security, announced a 45% reduction on publication fees on the Chilean Official Gazette. The measure applies indistinctively to all trademark and patent publications.

The rate cut, which is currently in force, complements the ongoing efforts of the Chilean National Industrial Property Institute (INAPI) to ease access to intellectual property rights, providing a better service to the users.

The price is automatically calculated by the Official Gazette office, once the CLPTO notifies the applicant the decision to proceed with the publication. The benefit will impact the final cost of a patent or trademark registration.

The payment and revision of trademark abstracts can be done online at at the “Trámites y Servicios” (Procedures and Services) link, selecting “Solicitud de Publicación en el Diario Oficial” (Official Gazette request for publication).

AUTHORS: Guillermo Carey, Francisco Carey.

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