Request for information program in the Chilean mining industry
December 12, 2022

On December 12, 2022, it was published in the Chilean Official Gazette the Exempt Resolution No. 2,224 of 2022 (the “Res. 2,224/2022”), issued by the National Geology and Mining Service (“Sernageomin”), that approves the Request for Information Program applicable to year 2023 (the “Program”).

By virtue of Res. 2,224/2022, the Program will apply to the requests for information made by Sernageomin between January 1 and December 31, 2023, regarding basic geological exploration works carried out by Reporting Entities that meet the following copulative criteria:

  • Time criterion:
    • Basic geological exploration works executed between January 1, 2019, and December 31, 2022.
    • It must be noted that basic geological exploration works completed in this time range shall be deemed to meet this criterion.
  • Territorial criterion:
    • Basic geological exploration works executed in Chilean national territory.
    • It must be noted that for these purposes, the location of the project will be given by the location of the central point of the area covered by the project.

The information shall be submitted in the manner established in Supreme Decree No. 104 of 2016 of the Ministry of Mining, which approves the Regulation that Regulates the Submission of General Information Obtained from Basic Geological Exploration Works.

AUTHORS: Rafael Vergara, Joaquín Granados.

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