Carolina Baeza

+56 2 2928 2612

Her practice focuses on administrative, constitutional and regulatory law, advising several national and international clients, as well as public entities and state-owned enterprises on all sorts of matters directly or indirectly related to the public sector in Chile, including concessions, public procurement, negotiation and development of public-private associations, litigation before Chilean administrative bodies, ordinary and special courts of justice, the Chilean Public Procurement Court and the Chilean Constitutional Court, legal defense against sanctions imposed by public entities, advice on sectoral regulations in various markets, regarding public policies and legislative matters, as well as issues related to the Chilean Transparency Law.


  • MetLife Chile on its defense against the Financial Market Commission (FMC) due to alleged irregularities during the pension proceeding.
  • Algonquin Power & Utilities, controller of ESSAL (Empresa de Servicios Sanitarios de Los Lagos), on a tariff setting process for the period 2021 - 2026, before the Superintendence of Sanitary Services, for the service of production and distribution of fresh water and treatment and disposal of sewage.
  • A relevant renewable energy company on the design and preparation of a strategy to reverse the new energy efficiency measuring method, which was approved in the recent modifications to the power transfer regulations of the General Law Electrical Services.
  • A company specialising in data, technology and health analytics, in relation to a service contract signed with the Ministry of Health ("MINSAL"), in order to obtain the formalization and payment of services that were provided.
  • A municipality on an constitutional remedy before the Constitutional Court against residents who oppose to the construction of social housing in the vicinity of their community.
  • Arauco, a relevant forestry company in Chile, on a series of conferences with its Board of Directors regarding the constituent process and the proposal for the new Constitution, including the main issues discussed. The advice included several reports containing a detailed analysis of the potential implications and risks of the new Constitution's rules.
  • The Asociación Nacional de Fútbol Profesional (ANFP) on a legal opinion regarding the constitutionality, legality and legitimacy of the reforms to its bylaws.


  • Teaching Assistant of Administrative Law, Universidad de Santiago de Chile (since 2023).
  • Teaching Assistant of Constitutional Law, Universidad Católica de Chile (since 2022).
  • Teaching Assistant of Criminal Procedural Law, Universidad Católica de Chile (2018-2020).
  • Teaching Assistant of Philosophical Foundations of Law and Natural Law, Universidad Católica de Chile (2015-2017).



  • Law, Universidad Católica de Chile.
  • Course on Municipal Law, Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (2021).
  • Degree on Sanctioning Administrative Law, Universidad de Valladolid, España (2023).
  • Degree on Sanctioning Administrative Law, Universidad Católica de Chile (2023).


  • Chile (2020).


  • Spanish.
  • English.

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