Lorena Pavic
+56 2 2928 2482
Partner of Carey and co-head of the firm’s Antitrust and Regulated Markets Group. Her practice focuses on antitrust, regulation and litigation.
- Kimberly Clark on its defense in an accusation for alleged collusion with other relevant players in the Chilean diapers market.
- Cencosud on its defense regarding a lawsuit submitted by the National Economic Prosecutor (FNE) against Cencosud and two other supermarkets, for alleged collusion in fixing the resale price of chicken in the grocery store market.
- Masisa and Masisa Componentes on its defense against a lawsuit filed by Silcosil, a competitor of Masisa, before the Antitrust Court (TDLC).
- ENAP, a state-owned company, on several consultation procedures before the Antitrust Court regarding the structure of the gas market, which involves all the participants in the different market segments.
- CDEC-SIC on several matters including its defense against an injunction procedure before the Antitrust Court filed by Celeo Redes Chile; the evaluation of CDEC-SIC’s technical procedures; a defense against an appeal filed before the Court of Appeal, by Coronel inhabitants; and on antitrust compliance issues.
- Danone regarding an investigation conducted by the FNE regarding the potential sale of its subsidiary in Chile.
- G.D. Searle, a subsidiary of Pfizer in Chile, on its successful defense before a claim submitted by the FNE, for allegedly obstructing free competition with respect to one of its products.
- Philip Morris Chile (PM) on a claim filed by PM and the FNE against British American Tobacco (BAT) before the Antitrust Court. The Chilean Supreme Court imposed a USD1.7 million fine against BAT Chile for anticompetitive conducts.
- Roche Laboratories on a claim filed by Laboratorio Recalcine (CFR Pharmaceuticals affiliate) for allegedly participating in sham litigation and exclusionary practices. The Chilean Antitrust Court rejected the claim filed by Recalcine against Roche and condemned Recalcine to pay legal fees.
- ENAP on a consultation proceeding filed by Copec before the Antitrust Court in order to determine the mechanism regarding the sale of its assets over Terpel Chile.
- Three important foreign laboratories on investigations conducted by the FNE and on a trial against the pharmacies in the Antitrust Court and the criminal investigations related to it.
- Named Lawyer of the Year in Competition and Antitrust, Best Lawyers (2024 and 2020).
- Named Lawyer of the Year in Competition and Antitrust, Legal 500 (2023).
- Recognized in Competition and Antitrust, Chambers Latin America.
- Recognized in Competition and Antitrust, Legal 500.
- Recognized in Competition and Antitrust, Latin Lawyer 250.
- Recognized in Competition, Lexology Index.
- Recognized in Competition and Antitrust, Best Lawyers.
- Recognized in Antitrust and Merger Control, Leaders League.
- Recognized in Competition, Leading Lawyers.
- Recognized in Competition and Antitrust, Top Ranked Legal.
- Recognized as one of the world’s leading female practitioners in Competition and Antitrust, Women in Business Law, Euromoney's Expert Guides (2021).
- Awarded as "Women in Antitrust", Global Competition Review (2017).
- Recognized as one of the 100 female leaders in Chile, El Mercurio (2017).
- Director of Red Pro Competencia (Pro Competition Network).
- Member of the Expert Female Lawyers Guide, prepared by Colegio de Abogados de Chile (Chilean Bar Association).
- Director of the Center for Antitrust Studies, Universidad Católica de Chile (since 2019).
- Founder and mentor of the mentorship program for young female lawyers "Learning to Lead", organized by Carey.
- Professor at the Degree on Antitrust, Law School, Universidad Católica de Chile (2015).
- Professor of Antitrust Law, LL.M. Executive Graduate Program, Universidad del Desarrollo (2009-2013).
- Invited professor of the Antitrust Law Degree, Universidad de Chile (2011-2013 and since 2019).
- Visiting professor of Antitrust Law, Master of Law in Comparative and International Contracting, Universidad de Chile (2009-2011).
- Member of the Antitrust Committee, Chilean Trade Association (CPC).
- Member of the Antitrust Committee, Chilean Bar Association.
- Member of the Women’s Competition Network.
- Member of the Chilean Bar Association.
- Member of Círculo de Profesionales y Empresarios de Ascendencia Croata (CPEAC).
- Assistant professor of Civil Law, Universidad de Chile (1998-1999).
- Assistant professor of Legal Clinics, Department for Clinical Legal Education (1994-1995).
- Co-author of the Chilean chapter "Competition Law Treatment of Joint Ventures, A Jurisdictional Guide", IBA (2022).
- Co-author of the chapter "Navigating Competition Rules" in The Guide to Corporate Compliance, Latin Lawyer (2020-2024).
- Co-author of the Chilean chapter of Merger Control, Getting the Deal Through (2017-2018).
- Co-author of the Chilean chapter of Cartel Regulation, Getting the Deal Through (2010-2012).
- Author of "Bundled Discounts Exclusionary Practice or Aggressive Competition Strategy?", in the book "La Libre Competencia en el Chile del Bicentenario", Santiago, Chile, Thomson Reuters: PuntoLex (2011).
- Co-author of an article on antitrust regulation progress in Chile, 2005 Year in Review, International Antitrust Committee, American Bar Association.
- Co-author of "Preventive Control of Mergers and Acquisitions in the Face of Antitrust Legislation," Revista Chilena de Derecho, Universidad Católica de Chile (2002).
- Author of several articles regarding Preventive Control of M&A, American Bar Association.
- Speaker, Antitrust in the Americas Conference, Section of Antitrust, ABA (2015 and 2019).
- Speaker, GCR - Latin Lawyer Live Competition Summit (2018).
- Frequent lecturer in seminars and conferences in Chile and abroad.
- Law, Universidad de Chile (Summa Cum Laude).
- Degree in Regulation and Competition, Business School, Universidad de Chile (2009).
- Degree in Public Law, Law School, Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (2014).
- Chile (1999).
- Spanish.
- English.