Safe-Passage permits and autorizations
March 24, 2020

This news alert includes information on the way in which the authorization for safe passage permits shall be granted on account of the nighttime curfew that stands in Chile as of the evening of this Sunday 22 March 2020, as an additional measure to face the Covid-19 pandemic:

  • Individual safe-passage permit
  • Collective safe-passage permit
  • Permanent authorization for emergency personnel
  • Authorization for companies and people who carry out transport of goods
  • Airport Staff
  • Passengers (land and air transport)

The information is available at the following links:

The following is a summary of the safe-passage permits and authorizations available


Purpose: The individual safe-passage permit consists in an authorization to move through a given area once curfew has been decreed.


  • It may only be requested by the individual who will travel from one spot to another, because of any of the reasons below;
  • These permits are personal, unique and non-transferrable, and they lose validity once the time span for which they were granted elapses;
  • They may be requested long-distance, at the website by entering the respective password1 (Clave Unica), or personally at police stations.


  • Attendance to direct relatives’ funerals (4-hour free transit if residence is located in the same administrative region as that of the funeral, 24 hours if in another administrative region).
  • Medical Treatments

In the case of medical emergencies, no safe-conduct will be required, but a permanent control will be established.

The safeguards are already available on the website


Purpose: These authorizations are aimed mainly at the suitable operation of basic services, utilities, and services with a high degree of social worth, namely:

  • Power supply and operations centers (generation, transmission, storage and distribution).
  • Drinking water supply and operations centers.
  • Gas supply, operations centers and emergency crews.
  • Service stations and fuel distributors.
  • Nuclear reactors.
  • Banks and financial institutions, compensation funds (cajas de compensación) and transport of securities.
  • Funeral services and cemeteries.
  • Telecommunications, data center and operation centers.
  • Supermarkets, markets and supply, distribution and production centers.
  • Fairs: fairground workers may request their safe-passage permits either at the virtual precinct (attaching the corresponding municipal permit or patent and a copy of their ID), or in person at police stations with the same documents.
  • Grocery stores, bakeries, food shops, hardware stores and other basic inputs.
  • Drugstores.
  • Laboratories, chemicals’ companies and producers of pharmaceutical products.
  • Newspaper distributors.
  • Agro-food companies, forestry and agricultural producers, with respect to the lands and chores where critical processes for agricultural production (sowing, harvesting, processing and distribution for delivery), as well as fishing and fish and shellfish processing chores, production of food for animals, birds and pisciculture, and production of cellulose and paper products, cardboard and its derivate, are being carried out.
  • Media (TV channels, written press, radio and online media).
  • Officials and public servants without credentials.
  • Post office.
  • Veterinary services.
  • Mining and their related companies.
  • Garbage collection and landfill companies.
  • Security, technological resources companies and other related entities, without the corresponding credential from the OS10.
  • Other services considered critical by the authority.

Procedure to obtain it: These authorizations are aimed mainly at the suitable operation of basic services, utilities, and services with a high degree of social worth:

The representative of the company may visit the website, by entering his/her personal password2 (Clave Unica), in person at a police station, or send an email to, to request an especial password for this purpose.

The e-mail shall identify the individual or individuals representing the company (a maximum of four) with their full name, personal ID card number, post and institutional e-mail.

In addition, the company's Chilean taxpayer ID (e-RUT) shall be attached to the e-mail.

The username and password shall be sent upon receipt of this information.

This permit shall be limited to that staff of the entity necessary for carrying out those duties, tasks, processes or managerial and service areas that cannot be interrupted as they are essential to ensure the supply of public utility services or to cover the basic needs of the population.

Upon obtaining the certificate, it must be sent to each of the above-mentioned officers so that they may show, either in hardcopy or digital form, the document.


It will be considered as valid safe-conduct that will allow the free transit, the institutional credentials along with your national identity card, of:

  • Health professionals, including food and pharmaceutical laboratories.This includes: All officials and facilities, both public and private, that perform functions in this area, without restrictions, including those companies that provide food and cleaning services in such facilities. Includes quarantine hotels, stadiums and convention centers for patient care and long-term facilities for the elderly.
  • Firefighters and fire prevention and fighting staff, both public and private.
  • Officers and public servants in the context of the fulfillment of their duties, carrying their corresponding identity cards. This also includes autonomous human rights institutions.
  • Workers of Accredited Collaborating Agencies (OCAS) who work in residences and health providers as home caregivers of the elderly and chronically ill and others must use their employment contract with the respective collaborator, plus identity card, as a safeguard.
  • Private security companies in the context of fulfilling their duties (for these cases they must also present their permit from OS10 department of the Chilean national police, Carabineros de Chile).
  • Municipal public security.
  • Emergency crews for transport, gas distribution, electricity transmission and distribution, telecommunications and water companies.


In case of freighting companies, delivery guides issued by companies and the person’s identity cards shall be considered as Safe Passage Permit, as long as they include the following information:

  • Fulll name of driver
  • Driver´s national personal ID Card Number
  • Truck license plate details
  • Date of delivery
  • Delivery destination
  • Time range to deliver
  • Products subject to delivery


Personnel working at the country's airports may travel from the airport to their places of residence and vice versa, using their TICA or credentials in the case of crews, which will be considered for these purposes as safe conduct, also accompanying their identity car.


For the purpose of public transportation, their identity card and the corresponding credential that credits them as workers of the following companies/fields, shall be deemed as safe conduct:

  • Metro de Santiago (subway).
  • Empresa de Ferrocarriles del Estado and/or its related companies (railway).
  • Companies that operate urban, rural, interprovincial or interurban public transportation services, either by land, river, sea, air or lakes.
  • Corporations, cooperatives and associations that hold authorizations for rendering transport services in the sub-modality of “collective” taxis.
  • Private transport companies that are rendering service for transporting workers included in the situations listed in numbers II, III, V and VII of this document, who must carry the corresponding service agreement. The authority may perform inspections to verify that the workers being transported comply with the aforementioned requirements.
  • Bus terminals and storage facilities, for urban, rural, interprovincial or interurban buses.


For workers that must operate during periods of restricted circulation, they may use their institutional credentials plus their identity cards as safe conducts.


Passengers who are required to take transport during the restricted period must use their tickets (ticket, boarding card, etc.) and their identity card as safe conduct.

The same requirements indicated in the previous paragraph will be applied to drop off or pick up a passenger.


All the above does not prevent the heads of defense to determine and establish new control mechanisms and free transit permits for persons or companies considered strategic.

AUTHORS: Ignacio Gillmore, Juan Carlos Riesco, José Ignacio Mercado, Cristina Busquets.

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