Sernapesca adopts measures to contain the impact of COVID-19 in fish and aquaculture products
July 21, 2020

By means of Exempt Resolution No. 1280, dated June 25, 2020 [LINK], the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service (“Sernapesca”) ordered the following measures to ensure the safety of fishery and aquaculture products exportations and to ensure the commerce fluidity in the context of COVID-19:

1. Fishery and Aquiculture Companies that export their products must implement biosecurity protocols based on the documents “COVID-19 and Food Safety: Guide for Food Operators” issued by the World Health Organization, “Recommendations for Workplaces in the COVID-19 context. Phase 4” issued by the Ministry of Health and "Protocol of Control and Prevention against COVID-19 in productive facilities and workplaces" issued by the Ministry of Economy. In addition, these companies must complete a checklist available in Sernapesca´s webpage (

2. In the event, COVID-19 cases are detected, companies producing products intended for human consumption must notify Sernapesca within 24 hours and send a report with the preventive and corrective measures applied to the case. The format of this report is available on Sernapesca's website (

AUTHORS: Rafael Vergara, Julio Recordon, Manuel José Barros.

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