Sernapesca adopts new measures to contain the impact of COVID-19 in the salmon industry
May 15, 2020

The National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service (“Sernapesca”) has issued a series of resolutions – N° 672/2020, N° 725/2020 and N° 805/2020 – that incorporate new measures to those indicated in Resolution N° 565 dated March 16, 2020 [INSERTAR LINK] which authorized the adoption of certain measures in salmon farming centers in the context of COVID-19. (see here)


  • General Measures.
    • Extend the term of validity of ornamental fish quarantine stations that need to be renewed during the first semester of 2020, until September 1, 2020.
    • New measures for surveillance of wellboats from the FAN area to the Undeclared or Fan-free area: (i) Sampling at landfall by a certifier of A. catenella; (ii) Sampling by the crew.
  • Measures related to disease surveillance and control programs.
    • Authorizes the adoption of: (i) exceptions to the rotation of pharmacological products used in the control of Caligidosis; (ii) temporary collection of fish in aquaculture concessions; and (iii) movements of fish between centers.
    • Authorize that the screening of breeder, sampling and elimination of the specimens be carried out by the farming centers staff.
    • Extend the validity of reproductive sampling and analysis obtained by non-destructive methods, from 10 to 30 days.
    • Exclude from screening of ISAv to the breeders of the species Oncorhynchus mykiss or rainbow trout.
    • Extends until July 31, 2020 the term for silage sampling, established in Res. 1468/2012 of Sernapesca.
    • Exclude from screening of ISAv the compartments free of high-risk diseases.
    • Establishes conditions for the sampling of prohibited substances, which may be carried out by farming centers staff.

AUTHORS: Rafael Vergara, Julio Recordon, Manuel José Barros.

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