Subsecretary of Fishing and Aquaculture extends plantation terms and provides recommendations to operate
May 4, 2020

In the context of COVID-19, on April 20, 2020, the Undersecretary of Fishing and Aquaculture (“Subpesca”) issued Resolution No. 1068 (“Res. 1068”), wich provides the extension in a month, of the terms for sanitary rests and harvest regulated in articles 23 Ñ and 23 R of Supreme Decree No. 319/2001, Sanitary Regulation for Aquaculture, in all farming centers.


In addition, by means of Res. 1068 Subpesca provided recommendations for the operation of farming centers, including:

a) Follow the recommendations contained in the “Protocol of control and prevention of COVID-19 in productive facilities” of the Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism.
b) Respect the measures adopted by the health authority related to COVID-19.
c) Prefer maritime transport, to the extent possible.
d) Ensure that people who enter the cultivation centers have a confirmed negative result for COVID -19.
e) Establish separated areas and disinfection areas for the entry and exit of people.
f) Have the minimum staff possible to manage the center.
g) Restrict or suspend visits to the center.
h) Ensure the autonomy of the center regarding food and fuel.
i) Planting specimens of good sanitary condition.
j) Ensure that the extraction, treatment and silage mortality systems are 100% operational.
k) Give notice to the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service (Sernapesca) in case of unexpected levels of mortality.

These measures are additional to the ones adopted by Subpesca by means of Resolution No. 886, dated March 31, 2020 (link).

AUTHORS: Rafael Vergara, Manuel José Barros, Julio Recordon.

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