Subtel initiates public consultation processes and calls for new National Fiber Optic project bidding
October 17, 2019

Two public consultation processes have been initiated recently by the Undersecretary of Telecommunications of Chile (SUBTEL), which also called for a public tender for a national fiber optic project that will be awarded in March 2020.

Public Consultation regarding Critical Infrastructure Regulation is opened

On September 27, SUBTEL submitted to public consultation the proposed Regulation for the Interoperation and Broadcasting of Alert Messaging, Declaration and Protection of Critical Telecommunications Infrastructure and Information about Significant Failures in Telecommunications Systems.

The proposed regulation seeks to update the current regulation contained in the Supreme Decree No. 60 of 2012, of the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications, to contemplate technologies of increasing deployment, incorporate backup measures and information on failures arising from cyber incidents.

In that sense, the public consultation will focus on five aspects:

  • Critical infrastructure and criticality criteria
  • Measures to protect critical infrastructure
  • Procedures to protect critical infrastructure
  • Procedures to report significant failures in telecommunications systems
  • A space for open proposals by the participants

The deadline to participate in the public consultation is October 26, 2019.

Public consultation on the future guidelines about the regulation for granting permits for limited telecommunications services using 5G technology is opened

On October 9, SUBTEL called a public consultation regarding the future public bid for the granting of limited services 5G permits. The consultation considers the importance of introducing new wireless technologies in the country and the need expressed by the productive sector of using limited telecommunications services, empowering their owners to use frequencies of radio spectrum to provide the specific distance communication needs of each particular company or entity. This will enhance the technological development of sectors such as mining, port, agribusiness, transportation and other operations of a similar scale, through the deployment and use of 5G technologies.

The deadline to participate in the consultation is October 23, 2019.

Public tender to award “National Fiber Optic” project is opened

On October 9, SUBTEL called a public bid for the assignment of the “National Optical Fiber” project, which aims to deploy physical infrastructure equivalent to 10,000 kilometers of fiber optic throughout the national territory, for which the State granted a historical subsidy of Ch$86 billion Chilean pesos (approx. USD120 million)

The project is divided in six macrozones:

  • Arica and Parinacota Macrozone: Arica and Parinacota Region.
  • North Macrozone: Regions of Antofagasta and Atacama.
  • North Center Macrozone: Regions of Coquimbo, Valparaíso and Metropolitan Region.
  • Center Macrozone: Regions of O'Higgins and Maule.
  • South Center Macrozone: Regions of Ñuble and Biobío.
  • South Macrozone: Regions of Araucanía, Los Ríos and Los Lagos.

Companies interested in building any of the macro zones can submit their proposals within 60 days from the publication in the Official Journal. The winner will be awarded during March of next year.

AUTHORS: Alfonso Silva, Eduardo Martin.

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