Superintendence of the Environment issues a general instruction for carrying out environmental inspection activities
June 12, 2020

On May 28, 2020, the Superintendence of the Environment (“SMA”) issued Resolution No. 897, which established the following exceptional measures for environmental inspection activities carried out by Technical Environmental Inspection Entities (“ETFA”):

  • Environmental inspectors who are unable to supervise in person the sampling and measurement activities for which they have authorization, may carry out said supervision remotely.
  • Said activity may be carried out by another person and needs to be videotaped. The video needs to show the date and time of the activity, its format must be JPG and not exceed 50 MB in size.
  • The ETFA must deliver to the project holder, together with its report of results, a copy of the video and a sworn statement from the environmental inspector that accounts for their impossibility to supervise the activity and the necessary records to corroborate such information, which will be assessed by the SMA
  • In the event of any other type of inconvenience to fully comply with the guidelines established by the SMA, the ETFA must produce all the necessary evidence, in accordance with the provisions of the technical document approved by Resolution No. 127/2019.

These exceptional measures will be in force as of June 1, 2020.

AUTHORS: Rafael Vergara, Julio Recordon, Manuel José Barros.

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