Superintendency of the Environment: Information request to holders of thermoelectric projects
February 19, 2014

On January 6, 2014, the Superintendency of the Environment ("SMA") published in the Official Gazette the Exempt Resolution No. 36, which is a requests for information to all holders of thermoelectric projects.

The purpose of this requirement is the correct application of the emission standards for thermoelectric power plants and, in particular, the identification of all existing configurations for power generation units with a capacity of 50 MW or more, and the proper determination of those that perform by cogeneration.

This request for information is mandatory for all holders of units that generate electricity, including:

i)   Those which are formed by sets of power boiler-steam turbine or gas turbine;
ii)  Those which are individually configured as combined cycle or cogeneration conduct;
iii) Regardless of its thermal capacity, and
iv) Regardless if they have an Environmental Approval Resolution ("EAR").

1. Required information. The holders must submit, within the time and form, the following information:

a) Identification and isolation of power plants;
b) Power generation units and their characteristics;
c) Chimneys and their characteristics;
d) Abatement equipment of installed emissions and their descriptions;
e) Description of the abatement equipment,
f) Continuous emissions monitoring systems installed, and
g) Remote access to the monitoring data.

2. Way of information delivery. The required information must be entered in electronic form, which is available on the SMA website (

3. Delivery term of the required information. Delivery information must be made within the 30 business days from the date of publication of the requirement, i.e., until March 19, 2014.

4. Non compliance. The delivery of information must be made within the established term. Any failure will be considered an infringement that could be qualified as serious, according to Articles 35 and 36 of Law No. 20,417 Organic of the SMA.

AUTHORS: Rafael Vergara, Juan Francisco Mackenna.

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