Term to correct mistakes or accompany documents, regarding requests for temporary residence or permanent residence is extended
June 22, 2020

On June 22, 2020 extent resolution N°2.933 of the Ministry of Interior and National Security came into effect. The same sets forth provisional extension measures of the term established in article 31, of Law N°19.880, in those cases indicated, due to the COVID-19 sanitary emergency.

Due to the above, the period established under article 31 of law N°19.880 is temporarily extended from 5 to 120 days, which Establishes the Procedures of Administrative Organs of the State, as of June 1° 2020, in order to rectify any fault or attach documents in sight of the norm previously indicated, related to temporary residence visa or permanent residence applications which do not meet the legal requirements, as the case may be.

The abovementioned resolution temporarily modifies the term established under article 31 of law 19.880. Said norm establishes that if the initial filing does not meet the requirements set forth under said article as well as those established, in each case, by the applicable legislation, that the interested party rectifies in a period of five days, any fault of accompanies the corresponding documents, establishing that otherwise the request will be dismissed.
This norm will be applied according to article 52 of law N° 19.880, which established that administrative acts shall not have retroactive effect, unless when they result in favorable consequences to the interested parties and does not harm the rights of third parties, which is deemed to occur in this case.

AUTHORS: Óscar Aitken, Francisca Corti.

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