The Ministry of National Assets announces a new Tender Process Plan
January 28, 2019

President Piñera’s administration has announced the creation of a new initiative to   promote investment and increase transparency in the adjudication processes of state-owned lands for the purpose of installing productive projects.

This is the twelfth version of the Tender Process Plan that the Ministry of National Assets (“Ministry”) has issued. The main areas that will be promoted for land use are the following:

  • 32% of the state-owned land will be used in industrial processes.
  • 23% of the state-owned land will be used for tourism, environmental conservation and national heritage.
  • 18% of the state-owned land will be used for commercial and residential purposes.
  • 6% of the state-owned land will be used for the development of real estate projects.
  • 4% of the state-owned land will be used for agricultural purposes.
  • 17% of the state-owned land will be used in the development of non-conventional energy projects.

The new Plan is expected to generate approximately USD51.2 million from the sale of the state-owned land and USD3.4 million annually from concessionary rents.

The adjudication of the state owned land will be the result of a Public Tender Process. This system will be the replacement of the direct assignment system used in the previous years. The purpose of this new system is to give more transparency and reliability to the state owned land that will adjudicated.

With regard to non-conventional renewable energy projects, the new Tender Process plan will use approximate 8,800 hectares of state-owned land to develop mainly solar and wind energy projects. Of the lands that will be dedicated to NCRE, 4,300 hectares are already in a tender process which will be placed in an “opening offer stage” in June, 2019.

The land that is tendered will be awarded through an onerous use concession that will generate approximately USD3 million in income for the State.

The Chilean regions of Atacama and Antofagasta will be the primary beneficiaries of the development of these energy projects.

AUTHORS: Juan Francisco Mackenna, José Miguel Bustamante.

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