The Superintendence of the Environment modifies its program and sub-programs for environmental inspection of Environmental Approval Resolutions for the year 2020, to adapt it to the context of the Covid-19 pandemic
December 28, 2020

On December 23, 2020, the Superintendence of the Environment (“SMA”), through the Ministry of the Environment, published in the Official Gazette its Resolution No. 2,460, modifying Resolution No. 1,947/2019, which approves its program and sub-programs for environmental inspection of Environmental Approval Resolutions for the year 2020. The reason behind this modification is the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has hindered the normal development of on-site activities carried out by inspection units, aiming to give priority to all inspection activities of the SMA. Specifically, the modifications consist in:

  • Expansion and establishment of methodology for inspection of the preventive axis, from "Environmental Inspection" to "any type of environmental control activity", according to the provisions of Resolution No. 1,184/2015, which instructs general rules on environmental inspection.
  • Deletion from article 6 -which refers to processes of environmental inspection included in the program and sub-programs of environmental inspection of Environmental Assessment Resolutions- the phrase that establishes a limit of at least one environmental inspection activity per inspection process.

This amendment came into force as of the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.

AUTHORS: Rafael Vergara, Julio Recordon, Manuel José Barros.

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