The Superintendence of the Environment requires information under the Emission Standard for Incineration, Coincineration and Co-processing
November 3, 2020

On October 30, 2020, Resolution No. 2,106 of the Superintendence of the Environment (“SMA”) was published in the Official Gazette. By means of it, the SMA requests information regarding the Emission Standard for Incineration, Coincineration and Co-processing, approved by means of Supreme Decree No. 29/2013 of the Ministry of the Environment.


The information request is directed to holders of:

  • Incineration facilities.
  • Co-incineration facilities that correspond to rotary lime kilns or forestry facilities.
  • Co-processing facilities that correspond to cement kilns using non traditional fuels.

Information requested:

In compliance with the information request, the holders must send the SMA the following information:

  • Identification and individualization of the affected sources of the Emission Standard for Incineration, Coincineration and Co-processing.
  • Detail of the pollutants measured for all the parameters required in the Standard Emission.
  • Schedule of measurements to be carried out or that have been carried out (2019 and 2020).
  • Identification of the substances or materials used as fuel during the measurements.
  • Technical specifications associated with the installation, validation and maintenance of Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems.
  • Analysis methods to be used / used according to the methodologies established in the Emission Standard.
  • Identification of the laboratories that will carry out the sampling / measurements.


The information requested must be filed before the SMA within 20 business days as of the publication of Resolution 2,106 in the Official Gazette (i.e., until November 27, 2020).


Failure to deliver the information requested may be deemed as an environmental infringement subject to be sanctioned by the SMA in accordance with its Organic Law.

AUTHORS: Rafael Vergara, Manuel José Barros, Julio Recordon.

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