Tires: Decree that sets forth goals and obligations associated to the EPR Law is published in the Official Gazatte
January 21, 2021

On January 20, 2021, Supreme Decree No. 8/2019 of the Ministry of the Environment was published in the Official Gazette, setting forth collection and valorization goals and other associated obligations for tires in order to prevent the generation of such wastes and to promote their reuse, recycling or other types of recovery, in the context of Law 20,920 on Extended Producer Responsibility.

Regulated object: tires

This decree is applicable to tires introduced into the market. For purposes of this decree, tires are defined as, “a toroidal part made of a compound consisting mainly of rubber, natural or synthetic, and other additives, with or without an inner tube, which is usually mounted on the rim of a wheel”.

Collection and valorization goals

The collection and valorization goals are established in a progressive scale per year, distinguishing the tire categories.

Tire with rim less than 57 inches: "Category A”
Year Collection goal Valorization goal
First Calendar Year in force 50% 25%
Second Calendar Year in force 50% 30%
Third Calendar Year in force 50% 35%
Fourth Calendar Year in force 80% 60%
Fifth Calendar Year in force 80% 60%
Sixth Calendar Year in force 80% 80%
Seventh Calendar Year in force 80% 80%
Eighth Calendar Year in force 90% 90%


Tire with a 57-inch or larger rim: "Category B”
Year Valorization goal (collection is considered fulfilled at the time of valorization).
First Calendar Year in force 25%
Fifth Calendar Year in force 75%
Eighth Calendar Year in force 100%


Associated obligations for producers and industrial consumers

Decree No. 8/2019 sets forth a series of additional obligations applicable for both tire producers and  industrial consumers.

Inspection and sanction

Compliance with the provisions of Decree No. 8/2019 is overseen by the Superintendence of the Environment, which is empowered to impose fines of 10,000 UTA (USD8 millions approx.) in case of infringements.

AUTHORS: Rafael Vergara, Manuel José Barros, Julio Recordon.

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