Tires: Superintendence of the Environment issues a General Instruction that specifies the content of the reports to be submitted by the Management Systems of tires
May 11, 2021

The Superintendence of the Environment, by means of Exempt Resolution No. 805/2021 (E.R. 805), dated April 8, 2021 and published in the Official Gazette on May 7, 2021, has specified the content of the reports to be submitted by the tire Management Systems.


E.R. 805 aims to specify the information that the tire Management Systems must deliver in the progress report and in the final report that they must annually submit before the Ministry of the Environment, in accordance with article 17 of Supreme Decree No. 8/2017, which establishes the procedure for the preparation of Supreme Decrees.


E.R. 805 is applicable to all tire Management Systems, whether individual or collective.

Reports content

E.R. 805 details both the general and technical content that the progress and final reports must contain.

Form and deadline

The progress and final reports must be submitted before the Ministry of the Environment through the Registry of Emissions and Transference of Contaminants (RETC), on the following dates:

  • Progress report, no later than September 30 for the reported period.
  • Final report, no later than May 31 of the year following the reported period.

AUTHORS: Rafael Vergara, Manuel José Barros, Julio Recordon.

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