Update of Resolution No. 88 of 2020, of the Ministry of Finance, which indicates areas or territories affected by an act or declaration of authority and the activities or establishments exempted from the stoppage of activities, in order to access the benefits referred to in the articles 1 and 2 of Law No. 21,227.
May 18, 2020

On May 16, Resolution No. 133 of the Ministry of Finance -which complements Resolution No. 88, issued on April 6- was published in the Official Gazette, which in compliance with the provisions of Article 1 of Law No. 21,227 -on employment protection- determines which areas or territories are affected by an act or declaration of authority and the activities or establishments exempted from the suspension of activities, in order to access the benefits of said law.

Resolution No. 133 complements the list of territories subject to isolation or quarantine measures; the territories with suspended, prohibited or closed activities and the list of territories with sanitary cords, since last April 7, including the date those measures were lifted, when appropriate.

On the other hand, Resolution No. 133 declares that certain activities or establishments in the territories subject to the measures indicated above are exempt from the stoppage of activities. In general terms, the list contained in Resolution No. 88 is replicated, save for the following additions:

  • In the area of ​​food and essential trade, in includes agri-food companies and silvoagro-livestock producers that carry out aquaculture or cultivation of hydrobiological species (including sowing, harvesting, processing and distribution).
  • In the field of transport, a new letter c. is incorporated, which exempts Companies that perform activities related to cargo logistics, such as those carried out in ports, maritime terminals, airfields and airports; terminals, tracks and other railway facilities; facilities for storage, deposit, inspection and / or distribution of goods; transportation elements, such as, containers, trucks and trailers; and the provision of all maintenance or repair services or supplies necessary for transport operations.

Finally, it is pointed out that the effects of Resolution No. 133 will be in force during the same period of each measure indicated in the lists and their respective extensions, as appropriate.

AUTHORS: Ignacio Gillmore, José Ignacio Mercado, Cristina Busquets, Camilo Lledó.

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