Update Protected Borders Plan
March 11, 2022

Exempt resolution N° 325 of the Ministry of Health was published March 8th, 2022, modifying exempt resolution N°672, which establishes the "PROTECTED BORDERS" plan.

By means of this resolution, the following sanitary measures of entry into the country were eliminated:

  • PCR test or antigen for SARS-CoV-2 taken in Chile upon entry to the country.  The following persons may be exempted from isolation:
    • Chileans and foreigners residing regularly in Chile with an enabled mobility pass.
    • Non-resident foreigners with a complete vaccination schedule against SARS-CoV-2 validated by the Ministry of Health for entry into Chile.

    Children under 2 years of age who travel with any of the persons indicated above, will be exempt from isolation, as long as the person they accompany complies with the rest of the requirements established in this resolution.

    The foregoing is applicable notwithstanding the fact that any person entering from abroad, regardless of their nationality, place of origin or region of destination in Chile, may be randomly selected by the health authority, at the time of entry or up to 7 days after, to be subjected to direct detection tests for SARS-CoV-2 determined by the health authority.

  • Tracking of travelers during 7 days following entry into national territory or exit, in case the length of stay is less than 7 days.

AUTHOR: Francisca Corti.

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