Latin Lawyer

Mesoamerica compra Heladerías Savory
18 de enero de 2018

Carey has helped private equity firm Mesoamerica acquire a majority stake in Chilean ice-cream shop operator Heladerías Savory.

The Albagli, Nassar and Aguirre families, who sold the shares, relied on Chilean law firm Albagli Zaliasnik.

Unifood, the food chain operator in which Mesoamerica holds a majority stake, becomes the largest operator of fast-food stores in Chile as a result of the transaction. Savory operates more than 100 ice-cream stores across Chile.

Alongside Savory, other chains under Unifood Holding’s control include Pedro Juan & Diego, Pollo Stop, and Fuente Nicanor.

The deal, whose value remains confidential, closed on 14 December.

Counsel to Familias Albagli, Nassar and Aguirre

Albagli Zaliasnik

Partners Rodrigo Albagli and Álvaro Rosenblut, and associate Arie Misraji

Counsel to Mesoamerica

Partner Francisco Ugarte and associates Alejandra Daroch, Pamela Morales, Manuel José Barros, Tomás Varela, Felipe Astaburuaga and Bernardita Larraín

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